Best line: "Stop looking for white supremacists under every bush"...during last year's height of covid/racial riots/masking craziness, I passed by 2 elder gentlemen, 1 black the other white, sitting close together on a bench-- joking, smiling, mask free, clearly old friends. I literally almost turned around in traffic to go hug them both. Not that hugging strangers is acceptable here in Boston, but boy I wish I had done just that. Next time I shall.

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If all of that came to fruition, Democrats would no longer be...Democrats.

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so. succinct and spot on, thank you. I don't even recognize the Democratic Party I grew up supporting. They used to be against book burning, for the little guys and against abuses of power by large corporations, for peace and against wars, and for tolerance for diverse opinions. Brilliant artist prodigy and political commentator Miles Mathis says this is by design to push anyone with half a brain into the Republican Party. I'm going libertarian.

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You took the words right out of my mouth. This is so simple and yet so genius. Thank you!

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They are no longer salvageable. Sold out to wokesterism

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I don’t know who you are, my friend, but you absolutely nailed it with this. Kudos!

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America needs and thrives on a two party Democratic system. Power sways and shifts …. America still thrived. We can probably agree that our nation is swimming in unchartered water. The division and hatred Trump brought coupled with Biden’s radical left agenda has brought America to its knees. It’s self inflicted harm as a result from self loathing and a false narrative that America is rooted in white supremacy.

Biden’s team has flooded our schools with CRT, DEI & SEL agendas, weakened and politicized our military, manipulated public health with mandates, inflated the dollar and weakened financial markets. He’s sheepish with his soft foreign policy towards China and Russia and turned the FBI, CDC and CIA into partisan gangs who lack independence and now trust.

We are in a dangerous place for such a young nation. God willing, both Trump and Biden will exit stage left and a new leader with a strong vision laced with common sense and a unique ability to unite a nation that’s dying to forgive and hug it out.

Charles, admire you more than you’ll ever know for finding (and using) your voice and screaming into the storm. Change is coming, let’s hope it’s good for everyone.

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It seems it would be easier to change yourself than change the democratic party’s suspect agenda. Become a republican because everything you’re asking for is the same thing republicans want.

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Right!? Hardening the electrical grid, improving internet in rural areas and repairing roads in bridges. Those ASSHOLES!

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Short version: Dear Democratic Party, Be the Republican Party.

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Are you just now realizing that this is who the Democrat Party is, and has been, for decades?

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You stated masterfully what i've been thinking for years...spot on sir!!

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I'm sick of progressives that allowed rioting and general lawlessness that turned SF, Portland, Seattle into shitholes.

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The lack of political diversity in key social structures and government agencies is the immediate preamble to a full totalitarian society.

Leftists gain majority/control in any place by a constant political purge in hirings, workplace practices and services that filter out dissenting voices.

Universities, Schools, Big Tech companies, public institutions, government agencies are now under a constant political purge.

Without political diversity Democracy is impossible.

Political diversity must be enforced in key social structures and government agencies by using quotas exactly as it is being done to enforce racial diversity in hirings.

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Absolutely right on! Certainly applies to most all political parties. Restoration of individual Liberty is prime need. Unrestrained government is greatest threat to Liberty, human flourishing and removal of barriers which impede human flourishing.

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Better late than never my friend! Years ago the left became the new right-wing--Intolerant, righteous, anti-civil-liberties and authoritarian. They are now religious zealots. Democrats truly scare me at this point and I voted for Clinton (twice!) and Gore.

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